Hi everyone !

Welcome to my blog which means that you know my name is Leona and furthermore you know the products and services I provide.

Well that's enough of the formalities.

I asked a friend of mine"what's a blog ?"

She told me a blog is an informal diary with random thoughts and ideas both written and in photographic form, in this case linked to Posh Chair Covers and Bows.

Seem's straightforward enough.

I then looked at other blog's and decided i didn't want to fall into the trap as others have of the blog solely becoming a platform for self promotion.
I noticed that sometimes people take themselves far too seriously !

I did have a few reservations about the blog, such as putting our new ideas up for others to copy, but everything comes with a downside and as someone once said "copied but never surpassed".
Come on people have a bit originality ( you know who you are).

I was also thinking of doing a feature every now and again of specialist suppliers that we work closely with to open the subject matter up a bit.

Hopefully as we progress it will be informative and heaven forbid a bit of fun !

So without further ado...................

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Mood Lighting @ Wynyard Hall

We had a Wedding @ Wynyard this weekend and thought it might be an opportunity to try out some mood lighting in the ballroom.
We thought long and hard about this as The Ballroom is such an elegant room in it's own right so thought probably less is more. 
The brides colour was purple so went with the purple mood lighting however the light can be any colour you like dependant on your colour scheme.

The bride hadn't booked the mood lighting our intention was only to do a photo shoot then take the lighting out.  
We asked for peoples opinion on the lighting and we seemed to get the big thumbs up so decided to ask the bride if she wanted the mood lighting left in which after seeing the photographs she also gave the big thumbs up.
We are able to offer this service to any current and future brides. 


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Bride And Groom Wedding Throne Hire

Our latest acquisition are these beautiful Wedding Thrones for the Bride and Groom.

On the most important day of your life you want to be treated like royalty, and what other way to display your regal side than with a pair of co-ordinating thrones!
Impress your guests and feel like a King and Queen for a day by hiring a luxurious pair of hand carved thrones. This will create beautiful memories for you to cherish and will transform your venue to create that magical sparkle for you and your guests.
Our thrones are chairs of distinction and unlike any other on the market. They are hand crafted using top quality carpentry skills.  They are carved from solid mahogany and have been transformed by be-spoke furniture specialists creating an ivory finish which beautifully enhances the carving details and upholstered in luxury ivory fabric, giving that unique look.  They are destined to make your dreams come true and give your guests something to talk about.

It's early days with the thrones however what we can say is that no other chair cover company have these in the North East however lets see who is the first to follow our lead.

Cadbury Purple & Lace Sashes A Winning Combination

 Chair cover's and sash's have been around for quite some time however they still look fresh and in step with the current trends particularly (we think) with this winning combination of  vibrant cadburys purple combined with lace.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Wynyard Photo Shoot

We were asked to dress the mirror room in a style befitting  of the room ...No presssure !