Hi everyone !

Welcome to my blog which means that you know my name is Leona and furthermore you know the products and services I provide.

Well that's enough of the formalities.

I asked a friend of mine"what's a blog ?"

She told me a blog is an informal diary with random thoughts and ideas both written and in photographic form, in this case linked to Posh Chair Covers and Bows.

Seem's straightforward enough.

I then looked at other blog's and decided i didn't want to fall into the trap as others have of the blog solely becoming a platform for self promotion.
I noticed that sometimes people take themselves far too seriously !

I did have a few reservations about the blog, such as putting our new ideas up for others to copy, but everything comes with a downside and as someone once said "copied but never surpassed".
Come on people have a bit originality ( you know who you are).

I was also thinking of doing a feature every now and again of specialist suppliers that we work closely with to open the subject matter up a bit.

Hopefully as we progress it will be informative and heaven forbid a bit of fun !

So without further ado...................

Monday 28 February 2011

Wynyard Hall Wedding Fayre

Phew ! what a day.
My feet are just recovering now ( probably due to my 3 1/2 inch heels ).

We met some amazing people;-  brides ,exhibitors and did you see the ladies in the hats with the blow up pug dogs!
The whole day is pure theatre.

I dont feel that this is the time or place to talk about how many bookings we did or didnt get, suffice to say that the lace sashes went down a storm.

 (thats me putting the final touches  to the lace).

The lace is actual Nottingham Lace rather than the organza with a flock/lace pattern printed on it which i feel gives an authentic look to any vintage theme.

Our table was dressed in Cadburys Purple combined with gold this was my other half's choice as he said it reflected a Regal theme in keeping with the impending Royal Wedding. 

To be honest i'm not really getting the Royal Wedding buzz yet perhaps when Kate Middleton ask's me to do her chair covers that might change ( ha ha ).

I would also like to ask the kind person who 'borrowed' items of Stationery from our table to have a pang of conscience and return them,can you believe that !

We will be doing a feature on Babydoll Stationery very soon as she has been with us from day 1 making stationery for us to use at Wedding fayres we attend.
Thanks Gemma and sorry we have lost some of your pieces.


What comes first The Chicken or The Egg ! or rather ..................
What comes first the Bridesmaid's Dress or the Chair sash.

This type of statement needs an explanation.

Whatever works best for you, however speaking from experience it seems to work best if you choose the bridesmaid colour first.

This worked perfectly on Sunday as Miranda Marie Bridal was sending over her brides to us.
Thanks Miranda and good luck with your Wedding arrangements ( hope Imaan's party on Sunday night was a great success and you managed to squeeze your dancing shoes on after being on your feet all day on Sunday !!).

Find Miranda here   http://www.mirandamarie.com/