Hi everyone !

Welcome to my blog which means that you know my name is Leona and furthermore you know the products and services I provide.

Well that's enough of the formalities.

I asked a friend of mine"what's a blog ?"

She told me a blog is an informal diary with random thoughts and ideas both written and in photographic form, in this case linked to Posh Chair Covers and Bows.

Seem's straightforward enough.

I then looked at other blog's and decided i didn't want to fall into the trap as others have of the blog solely becoming a platform for self promotion.
I noticed that sometimes people take themselves far too seriously !

I did have a few reservations about the blog, such as putting our new ideas up for others to copy, but everything comes with a downside and as someone once said "copied but never surpassed".
Come on people have a bit originality ( you know who you are).

I was also thinking of doing a feature every now and again of specialist suppliers that we work closely with to open the subject matter up a bit.

Hopefully as we progress it will be informative and heaven forbid a bit of fun !

So without further ado...................

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Happy New Year !

Yes I know its April but we always regard the start of the financial year as the start of  ‘The Wedding Year’.

This is  for us when the season starts to pick up momentum and by June we are flat out, ( watch this space for a weekend  in the life of Posh Chair Covers and Bows !).

I thought whilst I take a little breather in anticipation of the Wedding season I would re-cap over the last 12 months.

I know stats aren’t everybody’s cup of tea.

I mean after all  “Statistics show.. every two minutes another statistic is created ! "

But you may find it entertaining so why don't you make that cup of tea, put your feet up and take 5.
In the past 12 months we 'covered' 49 different venues, visiting one venue in excess of 15 times.

Of all the Weddings we set up, 41 % were Civil Ceremonies.

Our busiest month was August with 25 Weddings.

75% of Brides had White Chair Covers and 25% had Ivory Chair Covers.

The most popular colour by far was Aubergine/Plum with 21% of brides     choosing this colour followed by Silver @ 10% and Navy Blue @ 7%.

 We do offer a bespoke sevice whereby we can dye sashes 6% of brides 
 chose this service.

 7% of brides chose to have the top table swagged.  

 Crystal Ball time !! 

 What do we see as being the en-vogue colour for the next 12 months ? 

 Cadbury Purple is looking favourite with Burnt Orange being a contender and 
 watch out for the lace sashes.

 We think Bling is big for the months ahead and have an exclusive line in
 Diamante Brooches.
 We'll see in 12 months time how our predictions hold up so until then.....
