Hi everyone !

Welcome to my blog which means that you know my name is Leona and furthermore you know the products and services I provide.

Well that's enough of the formalities.

I asked a friend of mine"what's a blog ?"

She told me a blog is an informal diary with random thoughts and ideas both written and in photographic form, in this case linked to Posh Chair Covers and Bows.

Seem's straightforward enough.

I then looked at other blog's and decided i didn't want to fall into the trap as others have of the blog solely becoming a platform for self promotion.
I noticed that sometimes people take themselves far too seriously !

I did have a few reservations about the blog, such as putting our new ideas up for others to copy, but everything comes with a downside and as someone once said "copied but never surpassed".
Come on people have a bit originality ( you know who you are).

I was also thinking of doing a feature every now and again of specialist suppliers that we work closely with to open the subject matter up a bit.

Hopefully as we progress it will be informative and heaven forbid a bit of fun !

So without further ado...................

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Update On The Hessian Sashes @ Wynyard Hall

If you re-call back in September we posted about Hessian sashes.

As a follow up on this we did our first Wedding with Hessian sashes @ Wynyard Hall.

Watch this space I'm sure others will follow.

Update on the update.

As predicted hessian is being used by a number of chair cover companies and one has even gone so far as trim it with lace wonder where they got that unique idea!?
